SoraKagi first devlog

C’est Hello Moongazers, WistieCutie here!⭐️

For those who follow Fujitsuki’s page, you might have noticed that our latest project, namely Rakuen:E, was deleted.

Let me explain why.

Recently, it came to my knowledge that another widely popular RPG Maker game had a very similar name to our project, this game is « Rakuen ». Both games use the same engine and the names were too similar and for that reason, I decided to give Rakuen:E a new name! 
As you might guess, Rakuen:E is now named…

With the new name also comes another decision, to improve the game’s visuals and redraw all the characters, their sprites and all in-game CGs. (Please refer to my Twitter, @Fujitsuki15, or you may take a look at the main art on SoraKagi’s page.)

Being the only artist on this project, and even though I do my best to make as much progress as fast as possible, this will take time.

But in the end, it will be worth it!

I’m also indecisive whether to upload the game once it’s been fully developed, or release chapter by chapter, with a couple of months (maybe one year) between each chapter which, to me, might feel a bit long.

Let me know what you personally think!

Overall, I’m excited to bring SoraKagi to a fresh start and I hope very dearly that you will all follow me in this adventure that first started with Rakuen:E.

⚠️SoraKagi’s story doesn’t change from Rakuen:E’s. The game will remain the same⚠️


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Мне очень нравился художественный стиль Ракуэна и я не думаю, что игре нужна перерисовка... Но, если это правда важно, то жду не дождусь увидеть новый стиль для, теперь уже, СораКаги.

Для меня лично, как будет выходить история СораКаги не особо важно. Думаю, разделение на главы, как раз, хорошо способствуют такому выходу игры.

В общем, жду контента День ХХХХХ

hey Kai!

The art style isn’t changing, don’t worry. It’s the quality of the sprites and in-game CGs that is improving. Since my art skills have improved a bit, I thought that redrawing everything would greatly improve the visual aspect of the game!

If you wish, you can see the new sprites on my Twitter, to give you a hint.

Also thank you for your opinion, I’m not decided yet but I might actually release one chapter at a time for the first arc!

Hope you’ve been doing well (it’s been awhile haha) and thank for dropping by, take care Kai!

К слову, а будет увеличено разрешение самой игры? Просто мне кажется, что для таких красивых артов слишком маленькое разрешение, чтобы вдоволь ими насладиться... 😭

Наверное, нет, но буду надеяться.

На Твиттер подписаться не могу, но как вдруг появится способность удобно заходить в Твиттер я не пропущу ни единого Вашего твитта!