Konran:Zanki (uplifting) update on the full release

Hello Moon Viewers ! 

Three years after publishing the beta demo of Konran:Zanki GATE01 on Itch.io,

I can proudly announce that the full script of the game is done, which means that now,

I simply have to input it into the software, do a few editings, do a few more CGs, add

 a few extra features and plug-ins, beta test it

and finally !...

The -beta- full game will be finally uploaded ! 

I, Dear Elise, haven’t  provided many updates recently and in fact, I may have also kind of deserted the web, 

but I am extremely hAppy to finally come back with this update ! 

I still have a heck lot of work to do but finally the end of the tunnel is enthralling

Thank you for following the progress of Konran:Zanki, thank you for playing it and sharing it !

Without any of you, I wouldn’t have the energy and motivation that I have now !

Keep hanging around for more updates 

And also,

Keep watching at the ambitious Polar Moon !

See you soon  


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(1 edit)

Good one :)

If it costs money christmas is coming up and I'll be able to buy it 

Hello Leia, thank you for the intention but do not worry the game will still be free to download 😊🌙.

Deleted 16 days ago

Thank you so much for sticking up for what feels like forever for me too, TechnicAdd, I'm really hoping the full game, needless to stay the full story, will be up to your expectations! 

Thank you very much for dropping by and still supporting us ! 🙏🌙